Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine

Rooted Radiance
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Your Holistic Lifestyle Remodeling Center in Austin TX
Our mission is to help you achieve and maintain your optimal health goals.
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Detox Acupuncture
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Other Modalities

This technique uses glass, silicone and plastic pneumatic pump cups to create suction on the skin, so that the muscle layer is drawn into the cup. Cupping helps to relieve muscle aches and pains by improving the microcirculation of blood and Qi. It can also be used to relieve fascial tension, treat cellulite anywhere on the body, improve skin tone during cosmetic acupuncture and resolve chest congestion.

Gua Sha
Gua sha is performed by stimulating circulation in the muscle layer via a slight surface abrasion with a dulled object like a ceramic spoon, rounded piece of jade or other smooth edged object. This technique helps release pathogens from the body and relieve muscle tension via fascial release techniques.

In this type of treatment the dried herb Ai Ye, also known as mugwort, is used strengthen blood, stimulate qi flow and warm different areas of the body. Ai Ye can be applied in different forms such as indirect moxa sticks used over regions, loose moxa formed in to cones and placed on ginger, garlic or salt, stick on moxa placed directly on points or rolled balls of moxa directly on the end of needles.

Sound Therapy
Sound has been used by various cultures for thousands of years for healing. In this treatment solfeggio tones, singing bowls, tuning forks, koshi chimes and ting sha’s are used to harmonize and rebalance the chakras. Different frequencies soothe and relax the mind and entrain brain waves to shift from the beta state of awake consciousness towards the relaxed, meditative and healing states of alpha, theta and delta levels..

Crystal Healing
Various types of crystals with different properties are placed on different parts of the body to promote an overall sensation of well being via something known as piezoelectric forces. Crystals are thought to be a conduit for healing by allowing energy to flow through them- bringing positive energy in and leaching negative energy out.



Facial Rejuvenation
About Moon Medicine Acupuncture
Welcome to Moon Medicine Healing Arts, your Holistic and Integrative Lifestyle Center in Austin TX. Here at MM, we know how it goes; life gets busy, and while you’re working hard every day, setting aside time for yourself becomes more and more difficult. All too often we end up overworked, stressed out and exhausted, leaving us susceptible to illness and injury.
Inevitably (and unfortunately) we all get sick or hurt from time to time, but there are both preventative & palliative measures we can take to ward off illnesses and lessen the amount of time spent sick or hurting. Whether you’re aching from head to toe, a complete insomniac, bloated from bogged down digestion, or simply just need some space to chill-out and get your mind right, MM is the spot to realign with your own innate healing magic.
About Acupuncture

How it works
Many common illnesses are caused by physiological blockages (known as stagnations) and relative states of ‘excess and deficiency’ that eventually lead to more serious diseases. These imbalances and stagnations can provoke symptoms such as: allergies, digestive issues, headaches, infertility, pain and much more.

A little bit of history
An ancient Chinese medical technique, acupuncture has been refined for over 3,000 years. With a multitude of modern applications in comprehensive medical facilities across the world today, it is used to treat a wide variety of physical, mental and emotional ailments. It is also used as a preventative medicine.

How it’s done
During your treatment, super fine, painless needles (the width of a few strands of hair) are inserted in to specific points on the body to create a therapeutic effect by stimulating your own innate healing capabilities. Acupuncture helps to remove excesses, replenish deficiencies and unblock stagnations by redirecting energy, known as ‘Qi’ in Chinese medicine.

The Definition of Qi (ch-ee)
Qi is identified as a vital circulating life force, and is essentially what keeps blood flowing smoothly through our veins. When Qi is not flowing properly we experience pain, discomfort and other common conditions. The good news is that all of these imbalances can be realigned, unblocked and nourished by acupuncture, herbal medicine and other accompanying
What does acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat various types of pain. It is also helpful in easing gastrointestinal problems, menstrual irregularities/infertility, stress, mental-emotional imbalances and much more.
Here is a list of 22 other ailments effectively treated by acupuncture;
- Anxiety & Depression
- Arthritis, Tendonitis, Joint pain
- Asthma & Allergies
- Bladder and Kidney Infections
- Cardiac Palpitations
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Common Cold & Influenza
- Degenerative Disk Disorders
- Diet, Nutrition, & Weight Control
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches & Migraines
- Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
- Indigestion, Gas, Bloating, Constipation
- Insomnia
- Menopause Symptoms
- Musculoskeletal pain
- Nausea
- Orthopedic Conditions
- PMS & Menstrual Irregularity
- Sports Injuries
- Tension / Stress Syndromes
- Tinnitus
These claims have been verified by the WHO and are backed by scientific research. For a more extensive list of the many uses of of acupuncture click here

Diana Beilman, LAc
Diana Lane is a Self-Care Specialist, Integrative Medicine Practitioner and Holistic Health Expert. A premed heart surgeon turned Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Reiki Master, with over 20 years of experience, she specializes in women’s wellness, (specifically adrenal fatigue, stress reduction, digestive dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, insomnia and cosmetic acupuncture) and has a private practice in a holistic clinic in Austin, Texas.
Diana is also well versed in functional lab analysis and can order modern day lab testing (ie CBC, Thyroid Panels, GIMaps and more) to help get to the root of your imbalances and create constitutional changes.
Diana is the perfect blend of science and Wu, incorporating acupuncture, herbalism, the esoteric arts, body work, nutritional consulting, sound therapy and crystal healing into her multifaceted medical practice. In her 90 day program “Rooted Radiance” Diana created a holistic lifestyle remodeling program, designed to enhance your innate ability to heal from the inside out, with personalized protocols, functional lab analysis, everyday rituals and easy to implement techniques that creates life-lasting longevity, vitality and resilience.
For her own Sacred Self-Care time she enjoys outdoor adventures, dancing and traveling. Her passion projects include hosting community oriented meditation and movement experiences, in a sacred space for transformation, that creates soulful connections with her Holistic Healing Event company called Moon Medicine Magic.